Into It. Over It. - Introduce THIS To Your Parents

On Thursday, September 27th 2007, Evan Thomas Weiss turned 23. He noticed that his last few years had gone by rather quickly. To combat (or encourage…?) this movement in his life, he wrote and recorded one song every week of his 23rd year—roughly 52 songs.

He spent many years writing, recording and touring in bands. The Progress, Damiera, and Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start are a few (among many others).


I've been counting ways to tell you that this isn't working out in my head.
"Is there a problem? You can tell me," she said.
But, despite my best intentions, what would I say to you now?
Along with all the "I'm sorry"s that come out your mouth,
You've promised me a good time in your town
but I'm not driving that distance just to turn around.

So maybe you should try harder to begin to try trying less.
I swear I'm not this hard to impress.

You're way too funny to give me much less.
I'll chalk it up to inexperience,
but still you've kept your mouth shut.
The cats got your tongue, in a fit of apprehension.
I wish I had the courage to say this to your face.
You'll forgive me one day but this song will outlive us both anyway, any day.

So maybe you should try harder to begin to try trying less.
I swear I'm not this hard to impress.

So take this song home with you
'cause I'll never see it for myself.
You can introduce it to your parents
or frame it on your shelf.
Into It. Over It. - Introduce THIS To Your Parents Into It. Over It. - Introduce THIS To Your Parents Reviewed by Shane on Monday, December 20, 2010 Rating: 5

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